Most patient facing apps in healthcare aren’t the consumer grade, delightful experiences we’re used to in other sectors. Tendo’s Patient Care Journey App aims for simplicity and intuition, creating an empathetic and personalized experience.
My Role
User Research, Prototyping, UI design
Developed key features from ideation to implementation
Design lead for patient app
We want our app to handle the details of patients with complex diagnoses and began our research determining patient needs by interviewing breast cancer patients. Our key findings included:
Record-keeping and history are important. Medical visits often include questions about medical history and treatments. Many breast cancer patients actually keep analog binders of their care history.
Testing results could be clearer. “When I get a lab new lab result, I need to know what it means and what its implications are for the future.” We discovered that some cancer patients join social media groups in part to ask the internet what their lab/testing results mean.
Care Journey
From a series of sketches and prototypes, we landed on a timeline layout for this feature. It enabled us to easily show upcoming events in the context of past care, encouraging a more holistic perspective and offering an in-app opportunity (beyond notifications) to display reminders for action items and upcoming appointments. The ability to filter med
The ability to search and filter medical history enables patients to find whatever they need quickly.
Lab Results
We learned that medical results can be difficult to read in many healthcare apps. Not only did we need to build a visualization with flexibility for a myriad of data/test types, but the chart needed to be a no-brainer when deciphering results and fully accessible. Patients also expressed interest in viewing results over time to track progress. In user testing, this chart visualization scored 99% in readability with several participants voluntarily announcing that they wished their lab results looked like this.The ability to search and filter medical history enables patients to find whatever they need quickly.